Days of Roses

Found some pics of my old Oakland studio. Tom Waits' "Martha" is perfect right about now:

And those were days of roses, of poetry and prose
And Martha, all I had was you and all you had was me.

There was no tomorrow, we packed away our sorrows

And we saved them for a rainy day.

This pic eventually wound up on the cover of my old, now defunct, online zine, These pics were taken with Lisa's old 35mm Pentax.

All I did was run, scratch and make beats.
The old do-everything table. Judging by the very first Scrapbook Jam to the left, this was right when I started drawing again. I hadn't tried painting yet.

Records and crates were everywhere, the collection growing like kudzu vines in the South. I was also so broke that crates doubled as furniture.

With all this gear, I also had yards upon yards of electric, midi, audio and computer cables snaking everywhere.

So much clutter, it spread to the bathroom. After I picked up running again, I taped a pic of Ivan Drago to the bathroom mirror (bottom center), so I could later crush him, a la Rocky IV.

A Polaroid of my beloved hooptie road bike from the Ashby flea market. I'd just finished the 33-mile Tour de Peninsula and thought the terrain and distance was challenging. ...

Yes, I crushed that old picture of Ivan Drago a couple years later.
