Oh, Yeah. That's What It's Like

Well, what do we have here? Reason and keyboard making friends in the Safe Place? It must mean a new track is in the works.
Working title: "Who Got Da Hiccups, Yo?" Click here to preview.

Anyhow, I haven't spent much time mixing it at all, so forgive the odd levels and panning. This is just to set some direction and structure.


Pretty much done with the painting I started last weekend. Might give her a nose job, but I'm pretty satisfied:

These smaller paintings don't allow for too much fine detail. I've been trying to practice the engineer's mantra of "Don't let imperfection ruin the enjoyment of what works."

Just liked how this part of the process looked. I've done more paintings in this sorta un-finished style. Happy discovery.

But for this one, she gets the full color.

Some touch-ups needed. Maybe some highlights in the hair. Anyhow, this one needs to rest and breathe for a bit.
